In Florida if you are arrested for DUI and blow over the legal limit or refuse a lawful breath, blood or urine test your license will be suspended administratively after 10 days. This is unfair because people that have access to money are able to quickly hire an attorney and fight the administrative suspension. A 42 day driving permit can be obtained by filling out a simple form and paying $25. This buys an additional 10 days before the pre-hearing statement is due (some times more depending on how fast the paperwork is processed) to hire an attorney. You can find DUI information at Free DUI Lawyer Florida Information. To view sample forms for the DUI administrative process including Subpoenas, Pre-hearing statements and request for a formal review hearing go to Free Florida DUI Forms. I do not recommend proceeding without a lawyer. If you need time to retain an attorney this site is intended to show examples of the forms to file and provide some information about Florida DUI law.