Saturday, November 12, 2011

Florida DUI Phases 1 Daytona Beach DUI Attorney

A Florida DUI case has four major phases. The first phase is the traffic stop. In Florida DUI cases traffic stops are a heavily litigated area. Suppressing the traffic stop is like cutting the head off of the DUI case. It will immediately die if the stop is suppressed. If the breath test or refusal is suppressed the case will be wounded but can still survive. Preventable stops like window tint, modified exhaust, speeding, tag lights, expired tags and head lights are often difficult to suppress. Driving pattern, weaving, failure to maintain a single lane, improper u-turn and careless driving can be challenged in many cases if certain requirements are not met. Florida DUI crash cases can be difficult for the state as a result of the accident report privilege. The accident report privilege does not exist in leaving the scene cases. A Florida DUI property damage case is enhanced in Florida and has additional penalties. The stop is commonly challenged but not all stops are appropriate for a motion to suppress. If a motion to suppress is not appropriate for the stop many other areas can be challenged. The information was provided by Daytona Beach DUI attorney Kevin J. Pitts. Kevin J. Pitts has handled hundreds of DUI cases as a Daytona Beach prosecutor and Daytona Beach DUI lawyer. The second phase of a DUI case is the detention and field sobriety exercises. The second DUI phase will be posted in the near future.