people believe that we should legalize marijuana but at this point Florida has
some of the harshest penalties for possession of under 20 grams of marijuana in the country.
The maximum punishment for possession under 20 in Orlando is a year in jail, a
year of probation or any combination of the two that does not exceed a year in
duration. The maximum fine is up to $1,000. Some additional less known
penalties are: a 2 year driver's license suspension if adjudicated guilty, loss
of federal financial aid and potential loss of public assistance. The 2 year
driver's license suspension does not require the accused to be operating a
vehicle. The license suspension for a first DUI is only 6 months for a breath
test over .08%. An experienced Orlando possession of marijuana attorney can argue
for a dismissal, diversion, amended charge or at least a withhold of
adjudication to avoid the 2 year driver's license suspension. An attorney can
also waive your appearance from most of the court dates. This avoids missing
work or school and avoids warrants for failure to appear. If you are charged
with Orlando marijuana possession call attorney Kevin J. Pitts today at
407-883-6853 to set up a free consultation.